Everything You Want To Know About Phentermine

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Everything You Want To Know About Phentermine

The prescription count for phentermine in the US is about 3.5 million. Phentermine is a prescription drug used to reduce appetite and aid people in lessening weight when combined with frequent exercise and a diet low in calories. Research has discovered that 5% of one’s initial weight is the average loss of weight expected from phentermine. Keep reading to know more about the drug from Los Angeles pharmacists.

How Does Phentermine Work?

It stimulates the hypothalamus region of the human brain to release a neurotransmitter known as norepinephrine, which plays a part in our stress response. Activating that response can reduce your desire for food and sense of hunger.

What Are Its Potential Side Effects?

Adipex or phentermine can induce dry mouth, headache, sleeplessness, diarrhea, constipation and libido changes. The drug is also likely to make you drowsy, so avoid doing anything that necessitates alertness after consuming it.

Medical professionals recommend avoiding the use of phentermine for people allergic to amphetamine. While it is not common, taking phentermine with the allergy perhaps causes reactions like rash, photosensitivity and hives.

Is It An Addictive Drug?

It is part of the Schedule IV substances of the Drug Enforcement Administration as a person is likely to misuse the drug, which works similarly to another substance such as methamphetamine. Therefore, phentermine is usually prescribed for use in the short run. However, notwithstanding the status of phentermine as a potentially habit-forming drug, it appears that the possibility of addiction to it is low. When there are concerns regarding the addictiveness of phentermine, speak to one of the best doctors or pharmacists in Los Angeles city.

Is Consuming Alcohol And Phentermine Together Safe?

As a pharmacy operator, we do not suggest drinking alcohol and consuming this medication simultaneously. This is because alcohol is likely to increase the chance of experiencing its side effects. If those effects occur, the simultaneous use of alcohol and phentermine could cause them to be more extreme.

Some More Useful Pharmacist Tips About Phentermine

It is unsafe to consume phentermine when you plan to conceive or are pregnant and/or breastfeeding. Therefore, be sure that you keep informing your doctor of your medication plans. One more useful piece of advice would be the non-use of the drug late at the end of the day to keep sleep issues from occurring to you.