The Connection Between Our Bladder And Food Irritants
Many people reading this might have experienced the sudden need to head to the bathroom often and quickly. Bladder sensitivity is much more common than many of us think. As per the medical experts, there can be two causes of bladder sensitivity. These are:
Cystitis is a swelling of the bladder. Mostly, cystitis is brought about by a urinary tract infection. However, some food items, prescription drugs, drinks, and even hygiene products can result in inflammation.
Interstitial Cystitis
This is a more acute and long-term issue and affects between 3 to 8 million women and between 1 to 4 million men in the United States.
Both these conditions can result in bladder irritation leading to a persistent need to urinate often, an urge to urinate even after emptying the bladder, bladder pain, and spasms.
The Connection Between Bladder And Diet
Diet control is a very good way to soothe bladder pain and alleviate symptoms. Avoiding foods that can irritate your bladder and eating soothing foods can help to avoid the uncomfortable feeling of urgency and pain. As per the expert Los Angeles pharmacy staff, you may have to avoid the below food items to prevent bladder irritation and discomfort.
It has been clinically shown that alcohol is a balder stimulant, which can trigger the symptoms of urgency.
Caffeine is a powerful substance that can increase bladder activity. It is naturally present on coffee beans, cocoa beans, and tea leaves. Drinking coffee, sodas, consuming OTC medications containing caffeine, etc can result in urgency, incontinence, or frequency.
Artificial Sweeteners
Some limited studies suggest that artificial sweeteners can affect bladder function. In studies, episodes of urgency and urination increased with the use of drinks containing artificial sweeteners.
Food items like fruits, fruit juices, hot peppers, tomato, chili, vinegar, spicy foods, horseradish, and MSG can also result in bladder irritation. Some drinks and food items may not irritate your bladder as long as they are not combined with spicy or acidic foods, and may help ease the symptoms. These food items include blueberries, low-fat milk, water, white potatoes, eggs, sweet potatoes, vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprout, carrots, mushroom, and zucchini. It is also found that foods that are rich in magnesium are also effective in controlling bladder irritation. Magnesium is found to improve nerve function, thereby controlling bladder muscle spasms.
When it comes to easing bladder issues, making a few lifestyle changes is advised. While lifestyle changes are physical, a holistic approach can also help address psychological issues related to bladder irritation.