Why Does Alcohol Make You Pee?

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Why Does Alcohol Make You Pee?

You may have noticed that you need to pee more when you drink alcohol. Have you ever wondered
why? It is not just you and the proof is the line for the bathroom at the bar. Alcohol is a beverage that
has a diuretic effect, meaning that consuming alcohol will make your body lose water. This can result in
dehydration and hangover symptoms. But, why does alcohol consumption makes you pee? The answer
involves the effect of alcohol consumption on your kidneys and your brain. As a Los Angeles pharmacy,
we share the details of why alcohol makes you pee.

How Does Alcohol Make You Pee?

Alcohol consumption can make you pee more as it blocks the release of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH).
A diuretic is a substance that can make you pee more. Therefore, the antidiuretic hormone is the one
that keeps you from peeing. Our brain releases the ADH hormone when it is time for our kidneys to hold
onto water. While you consume alcohol, it blocks ADH and your kidneys do not get this important signal.
This makes your kidneys send fluids out through your urinary bladder, making you lose water faster than
you take in.
Studies show that alcoholic beverages that contain at least 13% alcohol are capable of blocking ADH.
However, the available data is less clear for beverages like beer that contain less percentage of alcohol.
Alcoholic beverages containing less than five percent of alcohol may not block the antidiuretic hormone.

Can Alcohol Dehydrate You?

Experts in our compounding pharmacy say that alcohol consumption can dehydrate you as its diuretic
effect can add up quickly. Studies show that two to three drinks in a night can make you pee almost fifty
percent more than your usual amount of pee. This can result in dehydration if you do not drink enough
fluids. Alcohol consumption can also lead to a hangover. Vomiting and sweating are some of the
symptoms of hangovers, which can further increase the chances of dehydration.

Symptoms Of Alcohol Dehydration

Some of the most common symptoms of dehydration from alcohol include:
 Muscle weakness
 Lightheadedness
 Increased thirst
 Dry mouth
 Increased reaction time
 Dizziness
 Reduced focus
Some of the signs of alcohol dehydration overlap with the symptoms of alcohol intoxication. Therefore,
it can be very easy to miss that you are getting dehydrated from alcohol consumption.

Bottom Line

Higher-proof alcoholic beverages can make you pee more as they block the ADH hormone. Increased
urination can result in dehydration and other complications. Therefore, you need to moderate your
alcohol intake to avoid dehydration and improve your overall health and wellness.